
Friday, February 15, 2013

Who knows?!

I have a gajillion thoughts and post topics rolling around in my head. But instead of trying to perfect one post I thought I'd just start writing and see where it takes me. Even as I type this sentence I don't know what that will be. 

I got a beater 4x4 pickup truck a month or so ago. Up until today it was uninspected, unlicensed, and uninsured. I might as well have just got a moonshine still while I was at it.

I posted my first couple videos on YouTube three weeks ago. They were both of some horrible flooding at my house. According to locals, it was one of the worst storms this area has seen in a long time.

Three day weekend is ahead. YAY!!!

I have a friend going through some major shit in his life right now. I have a thousand things I want to say to him and none of them come out the way I want. I could use some prayer to be understanding and supportive and he could use some prayer too.

Alli and I plan on hiking all three days of our long weekend.

I could use a beer right now.

Alli and I are trying out being vegetarian. Dang, that woman is a good cook even without using meat.

I've lost sixteen pounds since January first.

We went on our first date with a couple we met a few months ago. It is a really cool thing to be reaching out of our comfort zone and meeting new people.

I just had a spider crawling on my neck.

I have an urge to do laundry.

I want to write more.

And that is all I have tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your weekend! Hope it's beautiful.

    Sorry to hear about the flooding...was your stuff okay? That sure isn't an issue here -- I think we're going to be classified as a desert before long.
