Saturday, July 15, 2006

My Day

12:00am July 14th, 2006 tried to say hello to the world but was drwoned out by a horrifically loud snoring fit coming from a man in NE Ohio.

1:00am Still snoring.

2:00am I woke up shivering wondering why I had turned the fan on high and wasn't sleeping with any covers on the bed. Of course I didn't get up and turn off the fan or pull up a sheet, I just snuggled closer to Ell.

3:00am Back to snoring.

4:00am Yep, still snoring.

5:00am Kicked the cat that had started to play with my twitching foot. Went back to snoring.

5:30am I was awoken by the alarm clock I had put on the other side of the room. (I do this b/c I know I will be awake enough to stay up by the time I turn it off. Plus the urgency to stop the noise and not wake up Ell will not let me sleep through it.) I quickly set it one hour ahead and went back to bed!

6:30am I woke up and realized what I had done and called myself a few choice names.

6:31am Kissed Ell goodbye. (She kissed me back but I assure you she doesn't remember . She never does.)

6:32am Fed the cats. Apologized to Junior for kicking him. He seemed to be allright.

6:35am The 3 S's. (If you don't know what that is, think about what you do in the bathroom in the morning.)

7:00am Made a bagel, started this list, and went outside to inspect the garden.

7:15-7:55am Drove to work. Prayed for each kid by name in my youth group.

8:00am Checked and responded to emails and faxes.

8:30am Helped balance the ATM.

9:00am Prepared loan documents for a 10:00 loan closing.

9:30-9:50am Business products teleconference. (There's a wasted 20 minutes of my life I'm not getting back!)

9:50am Put office supplies away.

10:00am Loan signing and closing.

10:20am Worked on invite list for our August party.

10:40am Put new credit card app on the sytem for the guy I signed the loan for.

10:50am Finished staff vacation calendar for remainder of 2006.

11:00am Worked on preparations for the youth group trip to Lakeside. Reserved sites, bought tickets, figured prices, called kids and parents.

12:40pm Lunch.

1:00pm Here's where my day gets a little crazy. (And in fact, is what a normal day for me looks like.) I won't break down the minutes and hours b/c it all runs together. This time frame included.......opening a new business checking acct, working on an overdrawn acct, fixing an accounting error, sending two loan packages, taking another loan application, ordering supplies, working on three small business accts, finishing and sending some week-end reports, auditing my Head-Teller's drawer before her vacation, integrating old paperwork into a new filing system, closing a couple accts, transferring money to cover promotional products for a customer, opening a few personal checking accts, coaching my tellers on last month's results towards goal, met with my regional mortgage rep, filled out missing profiles, took another loan application, discovered a nearby branch had been robbed, reviewed robbery procedures with my tellers, closed teller referrals, opened a small CD, and did some more filing.

3:50pm Snuck onto someone else's computer that was "virgin" to my unholy terror of blogging. Read through a couple sites and commented as saw fit.

4:00pm Helped one of my tellers find missing money so that she could balance and go home.

4:15pm Sent one final report.

4:30pm Decided to head home. But only after I did the respectable thing and pretended to listen to one of my tellers talk about going to see Lyndard Skynard that night. (Aren't they dead?)

5:10pm Arrived home. Hugged and kissed Ell. Grabbed my paycheck and headed to the bank to deposit it. (I know, I know, I work at a bank. First rule you learn when managing a bank: don't bank where you work. No one I know in bank management banks with the company they work for.)

5:30pm Watched Family Feud. It's Twins Week!

6:00pm Change out of work clothes, ate some cold pizza, and cleaned up the kitchen.

6:30pm Headed to the church with Ell to set up my room for VBS next week. I am the main Bible story guy this year. (Remind me never to do this again.)

9:00pm Headed to Starbucks for coffee. I know, I don't like coffee. I'm learning to appreciate it. Heck I used to not like beer and we all know where that ended up!

9:15pm Met up with friends Andrew and Lyndsay and decided to hang out at Starbucks for a while.

10:15pm Headed to the movie store. Rented the movie that Chris Farley was making when he died. I think it was called Wild West. I forgot how funny that guy was. He was rip-roaring hilarious. (BTW, we named our first cat Farley after him.)

10:30pm Picked up some snacks at Circle K and headed to Andrew's house. There had been a parade in town earlier that night and the streets were still littered with candy. We ran back and forth grabbing as much as we could find that hadn't been smashed by cars. A police car pulled up and then another, and instructed us to get out of the street. I realized I knew all three of the cops so we gave them some candy. Pretty funny scene actually!

11:30pm Our friend Brad showed up right around the time a huge storm blew in. We raced inside but we still ended up soaking wet.

11:45pm Started the movie.

12:00am The day ended with me holding Ell's hand laughing at the wonderful physical comedy of Chris Farley. All in all, a good day!


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